So everyone is getting excited for the new version of Horus Heresy, and I’ve got to admit, it’s piqued my interest. You can’t be into Oldhammer and not be a fan of the Heresy. It’s about as Oldhammer as it gets.
With this in mind, I’ve decided that I want to create a Heresy chaos force. However as always, it’s gotta have a twist. I can’t be doing with any new fangled miniatures made from that stuff called plastic? Nope. If it’s gona be a Heresy force, it’s gona be a lead one.
Ive been reading the Siege of Terra books recently, and it’s set late Heresy obvs. What interest’s me though, is the description of the chaos forces. Other than colour schemes, they’re essentially describing 40k stuff. Now there’s a thought, Oldhammer minis, painted up in Heresy colours!! Whoop what a Project! So off we go.
Time for a story. In 1997 I left Uni and my first ever job interview was at Games Workshop. No lies. Honest. Games Workshop was my first job interview. I didn’t get it. I mean who gets their first ever job interview? However, back then, being the awesome sports they were. They let me wonder the floor of the factory and help myself. I’m not lying!! Promise! They said, “Take this mail order box, and fill it till you can just close the lid.” I filled it so I couldn’t close the lid. They didn’t care.
A good chunk of that box I never got around to painting. It’s been sat at the cupboard of lead and dreams for 25years. All of a sudden, this project gives it purpose!
So out it comes!!!!

Within that box is a hoard of treasure. However, right now lets focus on the project. A Traitor force for late Heresy…all in lead. As you can see, my random pickings from 25 years ago are…well random. What was I thinking? But there is a good mix of World Eater in there. So that’s at least one squad. And the bottom lot…the renegades and Slannesh marine…they can be tweaked to fit.
Ok…I have a plan! Let’s do this!! 😜
First off. Let’s sort the Renegades and Slannesh. These are all going to be Sons of Horus. Warped, twisted and probably chittering. Some of them look chittery.
That Slannesh symbol has gotta go. Some greenstuff and a eye of Horus decal later will sort that…

The older Tzeentch Renegade will need a backpack, plus I need to sort his shoulder pouldron …hello greenstuff again…plus a 3D printed backpack. I know, it bloody good isn’t it?

The other two renegades I can crack on with immediately. I’ll do them proper Sons of Horus colour scheme…see how it goes. First a Mechanicus Standard Grey undercoat.

Then the legion colours.

This is still WIP, but I’m trying to make it look like fleshy bits have erupted from the pauldrons. I imagine this is how some of the Sons of Horus looked when they disembarked onto the fields before the Imperial Palace…all chittering and hungry.
Next time. World Eaters. How do old World Eater look with the new colour scheme? Come back and find out!!