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This, That & Epic

Writer's picture: planetoldhammerplanetoldhammer

It’s been quite quiet on the hobby front over the Xmas break. I had hoped to have a nice 2nd edition scrap on the 18th at Warhammer World, but unfortunately it was all cancelled at the last minute. However, not one to let an opportunity go to waste. I instead had a home brew game of Epic Space Marine.

However, before I could do this, I was keen to make some new scenery for myself. I’ve been itching to have a go at making some destroyed buildings for awhile and my reference are those amazing buildings you used to see in Epic battle reports in White Dwarf. Like this!

Its been a good while since I’ve done anything crafty. Plus I’ve just got myself a glue gun recently, so whilst I’m keen to eventually do something Cathedral-esque, right now I want to start small and figure out the process. Plus I want a game the following day, so I don't have a huge amount of time.

I started with some thick card. (Around 2.5mm). This is for the base and I find the best card to use when you’re doing things last minute and on a budget is to use the hard cardboard cover from a writing pad or sketchbook. If I was going to do this properly I’d buy this in. But as this is a test, this should do. For the main walls, I used some left over mounting card I had laying about and I quickly measured up some windows and cut them out with a sharp blade. You’ll note...I made a bit of a pigs ear out of this...but I figured it’s a ruined building so the messy tears will just add character!

Next step was gluing all these together with the hot glue gun. This thing is a lifesaver and definitely a tool to grab if you haven’t got one. I was able to knock this ruin up really fast in fact, that I decided to make an extra two buildings with the leftovers from the 1st!!

Once these were dry (and this was less than a minute) I used some broken up cork board for the fallen masonry and also some final leftovers from the mounting board!

Finally I have two sets of basing sand to add. One is a rough mixture of small pebbles and shingle. The other is basic building sand. I glued these into place with PVA glue and set them aside to dry.

Once dried I gave all of them a base coat of black and then slowly dry brushed them up to grey using lighter and lighter tints.

Last thing was to add a small wash of green to the base of the walls and then add some flock.

Voila. My first go at some buildings and ruins scenery for epic! I intend to make some more impressive structures in future, especially now I have figured out what to do and what not to do!

Setting up the game

I'm lucky to still have my 1st & 2nd edition boxes and quite a few armies. Although to be fair...most are still on sprues and have been since 1994! (Must get around to these eventually). So I decided to have a small 2000pt Orks v Space Marines scrap. That is quite small for an Epic battle, but my kitchen table is the only place I can war game and this amount of points suits its size just right. Plus it’s about all I have painted!

I set the table up with a mixture of 1st & 2nd buildings, the cathedral from the Epic Titan Legions box (still have that...minus the Gargants somehow), plus my new additions and some homemade hills.

For this battle I had an entire Evil Sunz clan, 4 bonebreaker squadrons, a squadron of gobsmashers and finally a Slasher Gargant. For the Imperials a little mixture. I only have some Emperors children painted, so I’m pretending they’re some loyal force for this. There’s a full company of Space Marines, plus a full company of LandRaiders. Finally they have a Reaver Titan to support. So a fairly balanced scrap.

The main objective for this scrap was the cathedral and both sides had lined up their infantry to take this on. Secondary objectives were the ruins in the center of the map and both I and my opponent had amassed our armour and Titans to fight over these.

Round One - Movement Phase

The Orks won the initiative and so went first. One of the bonebreaker squadrons on the far flank had first fire orders and immediately let rip with volleys of fire, hitting the first few Landraiders that could be seen across the battlefield. These shells ripped through the armour of the raiders in a series of very good (Lucky?) shots.

Then it was time for the advance orders, and the Orks rumbled forwards, taking up positions in the narrow streets between the imperial administrum buildings. The Slasher Gargant also moved into position, taking slow aim at the distant Reaver Titan.

Over on the left flank, the Gobsmashers and Bonebreakers moved forward into a supporting position near the main objective. Then in Charge phase, the Evil Sunz clan surged forwards in a green and red tide. Taking the Cathedral in a single move and (For pure immersion) ripping down a statue of the Emperor for giggles. The Imperials now moved and the first to stride forwards was the Reaver Titan, who marched directly towards the Gargant with murderous intent.

The LandRaiders, having soaked up some preliminary fire, now moved forwards into the ruins of the city. All starting to lock their Double lascannons on the approaching Ork Bonebreakers.

The Space Marine Company on the Right flank, seeing the Cathedral fall so quickly, and incensed by the act of Heresy against the Emperors likeness, charged forwards and immediately entered into bitter close combat with the Ork occupants.

Round One - Shooting Phase

The Bonebreakers on the Right flank facing the Landraiders opened up again against the oncoming Landraiders. However, this time the shots either fell short of bounced off the superior armour.

The Gargant crew, watching the oncoming Reaver readied the Bellycannon. The Captain of this huge machine looked with interest at the Reavers long strides and immediately ordered a Chainshot round to be loaded into the massive weapon.

The Chainshot tore through the air with a loud crack, hitting the Reaver and wrapping itself around the Titans legs with terrifying force. The Titan, still striding forwards toppled with the sudden change to its locomotion and in a terrible turn of events, the impact with the ground ruptured its reactor, causing a large and instant supernova in the centre of the battlefield.

On the left flank outside the Cathedral the Gobsmashers took aim at the Rhinos, acting as a shield wall to the Space Marines, fighting to gain entry to the large edifice. Large rounds of lead ripped through these vehicles, rendering the flesh inside into bloody meat and leaving smoking metal carcasses in their wake.

However, inside the Cathedral, the Space Marines were fighting with vicious perfection. Smashing the Orks and forcing them back, stairwell by stairwell. Floor by floor.

The LandRaiders now returned fire on the Bonebreakers. Each shot hitting with pinpoint accuracy and tearing through the imperfect Ork armour with ease. In moments the Ork flank was destroyed.

Back at the Cathedral, the Space Marines continued their onward assault and finally the last Ork was thrown from the topmost spire. The building was clear and the main objective was now in Imperial Hands.

The Orks, realising that they could no longer take the building, decided to withdraw and in just one turn...the battle was over.

Result: Imperial Victory.


1 Comment

Dave Weston
Dave Weston
Jan 24, 2022

I loved Epic, it was the only army that I had painted sufficient models to be called an army. They weren't great by any stretch but I learned to be content with what I'd painted but probably didn't play much after they were finally finished. This looks like a fun game, as time goes on I think we're probably going to look again at our older games, 9th edition 40k is just not doing it for us. :(


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